Tuesday, September 23, 2014



Kings shall bow down to this queen-like lady.
Rare to find her kiss – a worth die for, and
In fact, so is her beauty.

She's everything a man could wish for.
Those eyes of hers made me fall;
In her deep stares, you'd see it all.

Nights were cold, days were rough,
End the day with a kiss is more than enough –
For the one she dears the most.

And the time flies so fast,
Yet my love for you never gets old,
Ever will I hold.

Don't worry for the rest of your days,
I would love you at my own risk –
Make you the luckiest lady in my own ways.

And if one day, I have the ring,
Please, say "Yes" and be my queen!
And that will be the sweetest thing.

Still not know of missing part,
Or what is lack, but still she then,
Completes my heart.

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