Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Seaman is for Feeble Minds Only?

It is said that if you are no good at Math or even in Science, you must take the Nautical Courses. Maybe because they thought the only thing a seaman does on board is removing rusts all day.

Well that's a big mistake! Listen. You read, I mean.

First, one of the major subjects in Marine Transportation is the Navigation. There are 4 branches of Navigation including the Terrestrial, Celestial, Electronic and Dead Reckoning. Celestial Navigation calculates the position of the Sun, Moon and other particular stars inside or outside the Solar System which served as the guiding objects in navigating a vessel through the other part of the world. As well in Electronic and Dead Reckoning, it is necessary to have the 'math-skills' in computing the time, distance, and speed of the ship. Plus the SOCATOA. Yes, the Trigonometry is a prerequisite of Celestial Navigation so it can't be possible that you can take Navigation without passing the Trigonometry [which blew my brain up. Seriously].

In that case, the Navigators have the 'math-minds' and could be astronauts if they want to! So how come others judge seafarers as good-for-nothing and 'tiktik-kalawang' all day?

Let me ask you, how do you think the apple inside your fridge comes fresh and crunchy though it was from Europe or any other part of the Earth? Any idea? Well, that is because of Maritime Industry. Commercial shipping of goods is a multi-billion dollar business. Through merchant vessels [freighters], all goods or raw materials  are contained in a well-ventilated cargo. And it takes only experienced and professional deck/engine officers to handle it correctly and transport it safely and conveniently to its destination.

The brave seafarers together with other OFW's are the main driver of Philippine's economic growth as they remitted more than billion U.S. dollars annually. They considered the 'modern heroes' for what they have done. Leaving their families alone and take the risks of working with different people and culture.

As an idiom says: “Tell it to the marines!”, for they all know what really happens in the world. Well, if you don’t believe me, better tell it to the marines and THEY WILL BELIEVE YOU!

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